
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Happenings!

As one of my favorite holidays, I cannot help but love everything about Halloween. When I really think about it, I think my mom rubbed her love of this holiday off on me from when I was a kid. Growing up, she used to sew our costumes and take us out trick-or-treating around the neighborhood all dressed up too!

So, for the past few years - minus last year because of the Phillies' World Series stint - Joe and I have thrown a Halloween party at his condo. While Joe is generally responsible for most of the beverages, I (along with some help in the past and the present from Lori and Maia) often put together the food and brew the ingredients in the spooky cauldron.

This year, it was a little hectic after some family health issues popped up leading up to the party and a baptism on the day of, but I tried to prep the day before to make it easier.

Some menu highlights were "ghostly pretzels" - pretzel rods dipped in white chocolate with mini chocolate kisses for the eyes and nose. I also made "indian corn bark" - a combination of pretzel sticks, oreos (reduced fat) and indian corn covered in white chocolate. After cooling, I broke off pieces and placed in a halloween basket alongside dark chocolate pumpkin molds!

"Ghostly Pretzels"

The beginning of the indian bark...all crushed up and spread out on the tray before melting the white chocolate and cooling in the fridge.

Final Product (with some chocolate pumpkins!)

Of course, Halloween wouldn't be Halloween without some pumpkin carving. Joseph was super excited to finally have the chance to carve his pumpkin and couldn't wait to show it off to me. Check out his bat-spired pumpkin below!

Sorry, my camera phone pictures aren't the best, but at least I had the chance to capture his creativity.

Halloween party pictures coming up next...

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